daily dumbass!

I STRONGLY suggest you think back to this story the next time you consider growing a HANDLEBAR MUSTACHE, a FU MANCHU or a SOUL PATCH. Awful facial hair can lead to awful things.

On Sunday afternoon, 53-year-old Joyce Speciale-Detweiler of Easton, Pennsylvania got into a HUGE argument with her husband, Donald Detweiler. Over his facial hair.

Sadly, the police didn’t specify what kind of facial hair style Donald was rocking. So we’re just letting our imaginations run wild with it.

Anyway, the fight escalated and Joyce ended up grabbing a pole attachment off the vacuum cleaner . . . and hit Donald over the head with it. She kept hitting him until the pole broke, then she started scratching and hitting him.

She was arrested and charged with simple assault and harassment.

(Lehigh Valley Live)

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